Phaedra was born on July 11th, 2002. She is a CCAFC (Canadian Cat Association) registered, pure bred Black Persian with dark amber eyes. I bought her on Friday November 17th 2002 from a small pet store in St. Hyacinthe Quebec (just outside Montreal). However, I wasn't actually able to take her until the 19th after my stay in Montreal. Never fear, for I wasn't completely alone for I found the Ty Classic cat named Onyx which is the very same cat. She kept me at peace until I was able to take the little bundle of fluff with bright orange eyes into my arms and heart forever.
Yeah, people wondered about the name I came up with but if you know me, you understand that fluffy or blacky would NOT do. Though I thought soot was cute. [Side note: Phaedra means bright... also, when my first cat, Friskey, had kittens they were all jet black with blue eyes and named Charcoal, Smut and Midnight so those names were crossed out].
Akasha and her are great buds now. Akasha grooms her like she is the mother and then chows down on Phaedra's (or "Baby Cats") neck to make the little thing howl. Mom still thinks Akasha is killing her but she doesn't even bite hard. The puff ball hates being pinned down so that is why she howls!! haha. She hasn't quite mastered Akasha's weird quirk of drinking from the faucets and she still cannot jump on the edge of the tub, but she has learned how to run around sounding like an elephant (thanks to the Grey Marvel called Akasha)!!
~Danica Saturday March 8th, 2003.